Place you ad here for $25 a week. Contact admin for details
Total Positions:0 Total Withdrawn:$0 Member Count:20 Paid Members:0 Free Members:20 Total Sales:$0.00 Total Paid:$0.00 Last Member:jjj0 Last Joined:8/29/2021 Running Time:13y 10m 18d 18h 17m

Terms Of Service For Buy4Script.Com

This service is created with YOU in mind. To serve you.

To help your business grow through advertising with the potential of providing you a supplementary stream of income to fund your businesses and efforts.


Agreement & Terms of Service between you and Buy4Script.Com

The following Terms and Conditions are to be followed to continue usership at

Buy4Script.Com. You agree that you have read and understand this Agreement

("Agreement") and that your membership in the Buy4Script.Com program (the

"Program") shall be subject to the following Terms and Conditions between you (the

"Member") and Buy4Script.Com.

Buy4Script.Com (WOF) is an advertising program which generates traffic for your

sites and also rewards you for advertising. We are NOT an investment site we are an

AD agency! Earnings or profit will always be depending on the advertising sales, and

other off-site profits we share with members.

All payments made to WOFare considered as a purchase of advertising but not

investments or deposits of any kind. Once you have made your purchase, you are

allocated with advertising credits which you can use straight away. Your advertising will

be featured in our marketing email list as a text link. No refund will be offered as you

already have the benefit of your purchases. The money we pay members is a payment

for the passive service provided by them, for viewing other members advertising. All

fees are non-refundable; charge-backs are grounds for account cancellation.

It may become necessary for the administrators of this site to change our earning rates

and referral commissions for continued growth and sustainability.

To the full extent allowed by applicable law, Buy4Script.Com at its sole discretion

and for any or no reason may refuse to accept applications for membership.
There is a no refund policy. The refund only can be issued when the transaction is not

posted corrected due to the system error and has not been corrected within 5

business days. Each sale is a purchase of advertising and your product/service is

given electronically.

Members must provide Buy4Script.Com with accurate, complete and updated

registration information, including an accurate name, mailing address and email


Members may not - or use an email address of another person;

2.use a name subject to rights of another person without authorization from that


3.use a false or misleading name, mailing address, or email address to activate or use

a Member account.

By signing up for the Buy4Script.Com program, Member is opting-in to receive other

special offer emails from Buy4Script.Com. If you do not wish to receive these

emails, you may cancel your account at anytime. If you cancel your account, you will

lose ALL membership privileges.

Buy4Script.Com reserves the right to track Member's activity by both IP Address as

well as individual browser activity.

Member agrees not to abuse his or her membership privileges by acting in a manner

inconsistent with this Agreement. Member agrees not to attempt to earn through other

than legitimate channels authorized by Buy4Script.Com. Member agrees not to

participate in any fraudulent behavior of any kind.

We do not allow adult, pornographic, hate or any other content considered to be

offensive. Sites found to be in violation will have their page removed and all credits

assigned to the page will be forfeited. Repeat offenders or severe violations will have

their accounts terminated and their URL's blocked from accessing our services.

Buy4Script.Com shall be the sole determiner in cases of suspected abuse, fraud,

or violation of its rules. Any decision Buy4Script.Com makes relating to the

cancellation of Earnings and the termination of membership shall be final and binding.

Member's discontinued participation in the Buy4Script.Com program or failure to

notify Buy4Script.Com of any address (mailing or email) changes may result in the

termination of Member's membership.

Buy4Script.Com does not allow the use of "spam" or unsolicited emails to advertise

its services, and Buy4Script.Com may terminate a Member's status without

compensation if this type of advertising is used

Members may not make false or misleading statements about Buy4Script.Com, its

product, or the opportunity. False statements include but are not limited to income

guarantees and promises of income in exchange for no effort. Members may not

reveal confidential or proprietary financial information about Buy4Script.Com without

written consent of an officer of Buy4Script.Com.

Members may not knowingly solicit a Buy4Script.Com member for another

business/income opportunity unless the person being solicited is a personally

sponsored member. Violators may be removed from Buy4Script.Com at its sole


Members may access genealogy from the online Member area. Any misuse of this

feature will result in the termination of the Member's status and forfeiture of any future


Members must conduct Buy4Script.Com business and act in Buy4Script.Com's

best interest at all times. Any public posting or expression of statements not in

Buy4Script.Com's best interest will result in termination of membership, without


Buy4Script.Com expressly reserves the right to alter or amend prices, Policies and

Procedures, product availability and compensation plan. Such amendments are

automatically incorporated as part of the agreement between Buy4Script.Com and

the Member.

Buy4Script.Com reserves the right to terminate the status of a Member at any time

for cause when it is determined that the Member has violated the provisions of these

policies as they may be amended or the provisions of applicable laws and standards

of fair dealing. Such involuntary termination shall be made by Buy4Script.Com at its

discretion. Upon an involuntary termination, Buy4Script.Com shall notify the Member

by email at the latest email address listed with Buy4Script.Com. In the event of

termination, the terminated Member agrees to immediately cease representing

him/herself as a Member.

You agree that all information, communications, materials coming from Buy4Script.Com are

solicited and must be kept private, confidential and protected from any disclosure.

Communications and materials contained herein are not to be regarded as an offer,

nor a solicitation for investments in any jurisdiction which deems non-public offers or

solicitations unlawful, nor to any person to whom it will be unlawful to make such offer

or solicitation.

You agree to hold all principals and members harmless of any liability. You are

participating at your own risk and you agree that a past performance is not an explicit

guarantee for the same future performance. As with all businesses, cyclers, ad

agencies, investments and transactions of any sort, there is always a certain level of

risk and this website is no different. You agree that all information, communications and

materials you will find on this site are intended to be regarded as an informational and

educational matter and not an investment advice. We are an online ad marketing site please treat it as


We reserve the right to change the rules, commissions and rates of the program at any

time and at our sole discretion without notice, especially in order to respect the integrity

and security of the members' interests. You agree that it is your sole responsibility to

review the current terms.

No refund or charge back will be given/entertained. Please continue with the signup


Disclaimer of Warranties






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